Cidera - Meaning and history
Cidera is Latin for sky.
At least that's what I was told back in the day when SkyCache was looking for a new name that didn't focus on the word "Cache."
Google Translate 2018 says Cidera means "Cider." And Sky is "Caelum"
Cidera, the company once known as SkyCache, was founded in 1997. It provided satellite delivery of Internet content, including cache optimization, Usenet News, and streaming media, from the core of the network to the edge.
After going through to dot.bomb, Cidera held on through 2003, when it closed its doors.
The U.S.Patent and Trademark Office (US PTO) says all service marks associated with Cidera during its lifetime are now "dead."
Cidera Analytics is the chosen name for this consultancy, I believe it is "Sky Analytics" but if it is "Cider Analytics" I know what to serve if I ever sponsor a happy hour.